Shakuntala Devi: I’m fine, thank you very much
SD: Wonderful! You see I’m a world traveler so I’m always happy to be in new countries, meeting new people and every time I’m geared up for doing work and spreading the perfume of mathematics all over the world.
A: How do you take your numbers to be, are they personalities, is that how you remember them?
SD: Numbers have a life according to me. They are not just symbols on paper. They are beautiful numbers.
A: Is this something that is inborn or does it have to be learnt over a period of time?
SD: Well, in my case, I was born with numbers. Now I am also trying to pass it on to people. I would like to spread it around.
A: can be learnt?
SD: Learnt means…it depends on what extent. It actually takes an interest and love for it is very important.
A: Is there any regime you need to follow?
SD: No, I don’t follow any regime. I’m one of those people who don’t have a regime.
A: Apart from numbers, you are also into astrology and I’ve heard you’ve written cook books as well. So where has the love for so many varied fields come about from?
SD: (Surprised) How did you know?
I’ve written cookbooks because I like to eat and if I want to eat I need to cook. In foreign countries I never find food to my liking. However, the writing of the book has a story behind it. I have visited Universities in America and England and the group of Indian students would invite me to join them in their apartment after the show. They would cook for me…Indian delicacies. I would intervene at that time and ask them to avoid complicating the dishes while assisting them. They would later ask me for recipes but due to lack of time I would send it to them via mail.
It later struck me why don’t I make it a book?! So I contacted my publisher and we came up with –Cookery For Men (laughs)

A: Is there anyone interesting you have come across in your travel of the world?
SD: Well, every single human being is interesting. So it’s hard to say. Everybody is very special. It’s amazing how God has made everyone special and different.
A: In this age where everyone is so dependant of computer for all their activities…
SD: Yes, really unfortunate…
A: Do you think they will replace or replicate our mental abilities?
SD: Sad, you must believe in yourself. I am one of those who preach; believe in yourself… At least I believe in myself and that makes me capable of doing anything at any time. Do not be completely dependant on your computer. For example e-dairy, you store phone numbers in it. If one day you were to loose it…what happens?
A: Oh! Am in a total mess and in a complete quandary.
A: So how much technology do you apply in your life?
SD: Not much, I am one of those people who shun technology. I’m very basic. I keep my feet on the floor and do not want to fly in the air.
A: Finally ma’am, you’ve successfully made many children overcome their fear for number…
SD: Yes 100%
A: What advice would you give this generation to motivate them towards a subject that is considered at times dull and difficult?
SD: I run workshops in which I pledge to the parents that within 8 hours I will turn their child 180 degrees In favor of mathematics. Even the dullest children have overcome their fears and are now getting A grades. I have also written a book about a girl who was incompetent in mathematics and how she gradually emerges as a great mathematician. I’m very fond of doing this!
You should see how depressed children feel when they are not good in mathematics. Somehow the world looks up to people who are good in mathematics. Take me for example, I think I am a person of average intelligence but people think I’m extraordinarily intelligent because I do mathematics. If I was poor in it and good at all the other subjects they would consider me dull.
Right from the initial stages children begin to form a complex of not being good in mathematics. It should be tackled at that level.
Quite recently there have been lot of suicides in India, students commit suicides you know because In fact I read in the papers that one boy dropped dead because he didn’t get the sum right and the teacher started taunting him. So I just feel that I should do it with a missionary’s zeal to remove this stigma of the fear of mathematics.
So the next time you extend your hand towards a calculator, give your grey cells a chance first!
Labels: Been There, Media
Anandha Karthik said...
pretty neat job gal! :)
n i also like d whole look of d blog wid d scroll...
May 1, 2008 at 10:06 PM
Rashmi Vijayan said...
May 3, 2008 at 3:28 AM
Rashmi Vijayan said...
Now this is what no other print student can boast about... an interview with the Math Wiz in your portfolio!!!!!!! Awesome ain't it??? Im really proud of how all of us handled it that day.. Three cheers to us!!! :) Good Job with anchoring as well Afsh.. I must say... your pretty good at it babe!! I'm serious!! :)
May 3, 2008 at 3:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Awesome! I think one day you'd find an interview done with you on some student's blog ;) I've added you to my blogroll.
May 17, 2008 at 1:20 PM