It's Raining Cats

The green tin home
Photographs: Afshan Ahmed

Meow! Meow! When did my car start acting like a cat?! On further investigation of my car bonnet, I realized it was one of those many stray cats that frequent my building premises and seek refuge in car bonnets. What terrified me was that if I wouldn’t have paid heed to the sounds, the engine heat would have probably killed it. And if it wouldn’t be my car it would be someone else’s vehicle that would run it down.

To understand this pitiable situation and the reason behind the burst of population of stray cats in the UAE I decided to talk to a volunteer from an organization that strives to overcome the crisis of strays in the UAE, Feline Friends (FF). I had to meet up with her (the volunteer) during a fund raising endeavor at Uptown Mirdiff in Dubai during the weekend. “Everyday is tough.” The very fact that this organization does not have a designated ground to run defines the magnitude of their dilemma. Establishing a network of volunteers by different modes of communication FF provides foster shelter to the innumerable cats that walk the streets and frequent buildings garbage cans.

Though this problem cannot be entirely eradicated, its scale can be minimized. This is where the concept of spaying/neutering needs to be promoted. This is a process whereby the animal’s reproductive organs are surgically removed and is not capable of producing offspring’s. This may sound inhuman but you will be surprised as to how this move of sterilization can avoid the situation of homelessness.

In the UAE many pet owners have reservations on denying their pets the right to reproduce. Volunteers at charitable pet organizations try educating owners about the benefit of the process. “A cat that is more than 6 months old is spayed/ neutered prior to adoption at our cost, but if the animal is adopted at a younger stage then we follow up with the owner to get him sterilized once it matures.” However this is a tough task for them as many adopters refuse and ward off calls from the organization. The miracle of birth that many conservatives believe cannot be controlled by man becomes a curse when the creation is desolated.

Many people argue that their pet should be allowed their first litter after which they can be spayed/ neutered. Unlike humans, cats reproduce in large numbers (generally more than triplets). So unless you have the time and space to look after the entire lot, you are most likely to give them off or leave them to wander the streets. Animals should be neutered as young as eight weeks of age, before their first heat.

The cost of sterilization often deters pet owners from the process. A pet is like a member of the family. As one provides for the rest of the family members, once you take up the responsibility of an animal you must provide for its wellbeing. All the more, this is a one time cost- a relatively small cost when compared to all the benefits. It’s a cost to reduce the number of unwanted pets. FF in the UAE has provisions where the sterilization process can be sponsored. Many well-wishers sponsor spaying/ neutering of pets as a way of showing their concern.

The situation that prevails on the streets of the UAE is constantly being reviewed by the not for profit organizations and the Municipality. Feline Friends do not have a shelter but with a single asset, their van, they are on the constant look out for cats in the city. Instead of providing a shelter FF follow the ‘Trap, Neuter and Release’. “Every night our Mobile Pet Unit driven by a specialized volunteer picks up strays. Around 5-6 cats are neutered every day and then released. So we can’t reduce the already present number but we do try to prevent an outburst,” said the FF volunteer. The Municipality unfortunately has a different approach to the issue. They euthanize the homeless animals to reduce their number. And if it isn’t the legal killing of the animal, its sure death for these strays on the car populated roads and among the non-compassionate millions. To avoid the pitiable end to life, pet owners must think about the option of sterilization.

Spaying or neutering your pet does not mean you are taking away something from them. In fact you are not only helping yourself but ensuring the safety and hygiene of your neighborhood. For you it’s beneficial as an owner as you are saved the mess and boisterous behavior of your pet. Your pet on the other hand leads a healthier and longer life.

What’s more, unlike their human owners, pets don’t understand the concept of sexual identity or ego. So pet owners needn’t worry about their pets holding grudges against them!